Eye On AI

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Week Ending 04.28.19


Over the past week, 191 new papers were published in "Computer Science".

Over the past week, 76 new papers were published in "Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence".

  • The paper discussed most in the news over the past week was "Integrating Social Media into a Pan-European Flood Awareness System: A Multilingual Approach" by V. Lorini(European Commission, Joint Research Centre) et al (Apr 2019), which was referenced 8 times, including in the article AI uses tweets to help researchers analyze floods in Venturebeat. The paper got social media traction with 59 shares. The authors describe a prototype system that integrates social media analysis into the European Flood Awareness System (EFAS). A Twitter user, @valeriolorini, posted "Social Media for Flood Risk to #EFAS #GloFAS. In we describe why IR from Social Media is crucial for Natural Hazard DRR. SMFR is multilingual , done with #Convnet paper accepted as CoRe #floodrisk #CopernicusEMS".

  • Leading researcher Ruslan Salakhutdinov (Carnegie Mellon University) published "The MineRL Competition on Sample Efficient Reinforcement Learning using Human Priors"@gastronomy tweeted "> Though deep reinforcement learning has led to breakthroughs in many difficult domains, these successes have required an ever-i".

  • The paper shared the most on social media this week is by a team at Amazon: "Language Models with Transformers" by Chenguang Wang et al (Apr 2019) with 144 shares. @hardmaru (hardmaru) tweeted "“Experimental results on the PTB, WikiText-2, and WikiText-103 show that our method achieves perplexities between 20 and 34 on all problems, i.e. on average an improvement of 12 perplexity units compared to state-of-the-art LSTMs.” 🔥".

This week was active for "Computer Science - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition", with 203 new papers.

  • The paper discussed most in the news over the past week was "Fooling automated surveillance cameras: adversarial patches to attack person detection" by Simen Thys et al (Apr 2019), which was referenced 34 times, including in the article Trump backs Harley Davidson on EU trade tariffs in BBC. The paper author, Wiebe Van Ranst, was quoted saying "The idea behind this work is to be able to circumvent security systems that use a person detector to generate an alarm when a person enters the view of a camera". The paper also got the most social media traction with 13746 shares. On Twitter, @pwang posted "This is going to be a major Tshirt trend over the next couple of years: Innocent-looking shirts with various patterns that are specifically designed to trick neural networks. Adversarial hats will also be a thing, for face detectors".

  • Leading researcher Ruslan Salakhutdinov (Carnegie Mellon University) published "On Exact Computation with an Infinitely Wide Neural Net".

  • The paper shared the most on social media this week is by a team at Google: "Attention Augmented Convolutional Networks" by Irwan Bello et al (Apr 2019) with 188 shares. The authors consider the use of self - attention for discriminative visual tasks as an alternative to convolutions. @ronnieclark__ (Ronnie Clark) tweeted "Concatenating convolutional channels with other feature maps seems to be quite popular these days - coordinate maps in Coord-Conv, camera intrinsic maps in Cam-Conv and self attention maps in this work by et al".

Over the past week, 17 new papers were published in "Computer Science - Computers and Society".

Over the past week, 17 new papers were published in "Computer Science - Human-Computer Interaction".

Over the past week, 162 new papers were published in "Computer Science - Learning".

Over the past week, six new papers were published in "Computer Science - Multiagent Systems".

Over the past week, 16 new papers were published in "Computer Science - Neural and Evolutionary Computing".

Over the past week, 30 new papers were published in "Computer Science - Robotics".